New York Personal Injury Lawyer

When you’re involved in an automobile accident, exchanging insurance information with the other driver is par for the course. It enables communication between insurance companies and ensures that compensation for damages and injuries can be appropriately addressed.

NYC Car Accident Attorney

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and the other driver refuses to share their insurance information after an accident, take the following steps to preserve your rights.

In New York, it is important to understand the legal requirements following a motor vehicle accident. For instance, it is a crime to leave the scene of an incident that involves a fatality or personal injury, New York, VTL 600(2)(a). Even if the crash involves only property damage, you must exchange information with other drivers involved, failure to do so may result in a criminal violation, New York VTL 600(1). Give your name, address, driver license number, vehicle registration and insurance information.

Calmly Explain The Law To The Other Driver

If you encounter any resistance when attempting to obtain the other driver’s insurance detail, remain calm and explain their legal obligations. Make it clear that under the law, they are required to share such information after an accident.

Communicate respectfully yet firmly that this exchange of information is standard protocol following any motor vehicle accident in New York.

Call the Police and Obtain An Accident Report

Always report the accident and obtain an accident report. This is particularly important if the other driver refuses to share their insurance information. Having an official accident report from the police can be crucial in proving what happened and establishing fault. Police Officers will document the scene of the accident and collect statements from all parties involved, including any witnesses.

Take Photos and Write Down Information About The Other Driver And Vehicle

Document as much information about the other vehicle as possible, including the make, model, color, and license plate number of their car. If possible, take a photo of the car and its license plate.

Also, down any information about the uncooperative driver, including physical appearance, clothing, and anything else you think might be helpful if the police or insurance company need to locate them.

Contact A New York Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve tried calmly explaining the legal obligation and you are still facing resistance from thе other driver, contact an attorney and sееk professional advice. Speaking with a New York car accident attorney well-versed in New York traffic laws is highly advisable; such a lawyer will guide you on how bеst to move forward.

By working with a skilled New York personal injury attorney, you may have a better chance to uncover the other driver’s identity and insurance information.
Additionally, it is important to note that you may still be able to file a claim without the other driver’s information. Additionally, even without the other driver’s information immediately available, it is still possible for you to file an auto accident claim.

Contact, Koenig Pierre, a personal injury attorney an explore all of your options in safeguarding your rights and obtaining fair compensation.


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