If You Want The Best Results After Your Car Accident, Hire a New York Car Accident Lawyer.

Every year in New York City there are over a 100,000 car accidents. Regrettably, there is a strong likelihood that you will involve in a car accident in New York City, at some point.

While many accidents are minor fender benders others involve car wrecks which result in serious injuries and even death.

Regardless of how you feel after a car accident, after you have obtained the necessary medical attention you need, hire a skilled car accident attorney.

A car accident lawyer will assist you in obtaining fair compensation for the property damage and injuries you have sustained.

The 5 reasons why you should hire a car accident lawyer include the following:

1. An Understanding Of All Possible Damages

It is important to understand what steps to take immediately after a car accident. Understanding your rights, along with the complete magnitude of your damages, and how much compensation you may be entitled to after filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Damages from a car accident case may include compensation for property damage, medical expenses, disability, disfigurement, and pain and suffering. If your injuries have left you unable to work, you may seek compensation for lost income and your family may be entitled to damages for a loss of companionship. Understanding the full weight of your damages is important to securing maximum compensation. This is a key reason to hire a lawyer.

A skilled car accident lawyer will know what your damages are worth and diligently pursue fair compensation. When taking it upon yourself to determine the amount yourself, you may underestimate the value of your claim and accept a settlement much less than you deserve.

2. Damages May Be Unclear

You should immediately get in touch with a lawyer. A skilled car accident lawyer will immediately jumpstart the process of investigating and collecting evidence to support your case.

Some car accident injuries, such as whiplash, aren’t always evident after an auto accident. It may take time for symptoms to manifest. Similarly, damages to your car are not always apparent and may take time to spot. Therefore, hiring a car accident attorney may prove invaluable in assessing and seeking full compensation for your complete damages.

3. Detailed Knowledge Of The Law

Typically, most people do not know nor fully understand the laws applicable to the facts of their case. A skilled car accident attorney can accurately determine the laws relevant to the facts of your case and how the particular court adjudicating your matter will apply the law.

Don’t waste time attempting to investigate your case and complete the legal research on your own. Hire a car accident lawyer while you concentrate on your recovery.

And if it comes down to suing, you should be prepared for a lot of paperwork and confusing rules that will eat up much of your time. You’ll have to figure out what to file, how to format, cite legal precedent, what evidence is admissible, and more. It’s rigorous, and you have a limited amount of time. You should take advantage of a good lawyer with an in-depth knowledge of the law to guide you through a complicated lawsuit.

4. Negotiation And Representation in Court

Car insurance companies will use different tactics in order to pay you little or nothing. They will often deny claims or submit low-ball offers to do away with your claim in a swift manner. A skilled car accident lawyer will understand how to counter these poorly veiled strategies and increase your chances of winning your claim. You need a car accident attorney on your side that is ready, willing and able to push your case to a victorious end.

A skilled auto accident lawyer will know what your case is worth and how to negotiate for a larger amount. Filing your case can be tricky, but proving your case is much more challenging.

Additionally, having a lack of understanding of the procedures can significantly limit your ability to push your case forward. Convincing the court and jury to agree with you will require extensive effort. Don’t become an attorney overnight, just hire one.  Winning a personal injury car accident case can prove difficult. Most car accident cases require the competence and zealous representation of a skilled New York auto accident lawyer, especially if your case goes to trial.

5. Avoid Mistakes and Financial Loss

Don’t lose money by attempting to handle your case on your own? One mistake can cost you significantly. For example, perhaps you file a lawsuit and fail to name all of the parties liable for your damages.

If this happens you can lose your shot to obtain full recovery. An New York auto accident lawyer will help you avoid these pitfalls.

Hire A New York Car Accident Attorney. Today – Choose Koenig Pierre

Between negotiating with insurance adjusters, having a deep understanding of the law, knowing how to assess the recovery value of injuries, your lawyer is much more skilled to earn handle your car accident claim.

Handling your car accident case, all on your own, may result in you leaving a lot of money on the table.

When you hire a car accident lawyer, the lawyer you select should have the diligence, dedication and  determination, necessary to pursue your case to a triumphant end.

Koenig Pierre has the skill and resourcefulness to push your case forward to a successful conclusion.

If you’ve been in an auto accident and need a New York car accident attorney to help you win your case, contact Koenig Pierre for a free consultation.

Apart from car accidents, Koenig Pierre will also handle personal injury cases that involve slip and fall injuriesmedical malpractice, truck accidentselder abusedog bites, construction accidents, bicycle accidents, wrongful death and other work-related injuries.

Next time you search personal injury lawyer near me, choose Koenig Pierre is committed to serving every client with personalized attention, compassionate customer service, and professionalism. Before you get carried away, call him today!