New York Car Accident Attorney

Distracted driving may instantly lead to a lifetime of pain and suffering. There are many different ways where distracted driving may cause a car accident.

A car accident may result when a distracted driver takes their eyes off the road or takes their hands off the steering wheel. A distracted driver will be held liable for damages resulting from their unfocused and negligent driving.

Proving that the other driver was distracted may be difficult however, a dedicated NYC distracted driving lawyer will employ all means to show that your damages were caused by the other driver’s negligence.

What kinds of evidence do you need to prove distracted driving?

  • Admission of guiltSometimes the other driver may make an excited utterance which can be used as an admission of fault. For example, the other driver may  blurt out, “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!” If included in the police report such an admission may prove beneficial to proving your case.

  • Police Report: Police officers in New York are trained to recognize the signs of distracted driving. Although the report itself is inadmissible, the report may reference evidence that may be admissible.

  • Physical evidence: The vehicle may reveal a cell phone in use, open fast-food containers, the playing of loud music, etc. Roadside evidence such as tire tracks or obvious collision points at intersections Also, video from surveillance cameras, dashcams, or doorbell cameras may provide footage that can be used to prove your claim.

  • Eyewitness Testimony: A third-party eyewitness account may prove important to demonstrating distracted driving. An eyewitness can testify to observing the negligent driver on their phone, operating other electronic equipment or failing to observe the road. An eyewitness may also observe the distracted driver swerving in and out of the lane.
  • Expert Witness Testimony: A third-party eyewitness account may prove important to demonstrating distracted driving. An eyewitness can testify to observing the negligent driver on their phone, operating other electronic equipment or failing to observe the road. An eyewitness may also observe the distracted driver swerving in and out of the lane.
  • Social Media: If the other driver was on social media at the time of the accident, this activity may be recorded on the app. An investigation can reveal whether the person who caused the accident was in the process of  posting or updating their status.

Koenig Pierre, a New York car accident attorney, will perform a complete investigation to prove that the other driver was distracted and caused your accident.

What is distracted Driving?

The NHTSA defines distracted driving as “any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, operating the stereo, entertainment or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.”

Over 3,500 people were killed in 2021 due to distracted driving. Texting while driving is a very risky form of distracted driving. The NHTSA has warned drivers that “Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed.”

What kind of injuries are caused by distracted driving?

Distracted driving can lead to various types of injuries, including:

  • Spinal cord injuries: serious accidents may cause spinal cord injuries, which can result in paralysis or other long-term disabilities.
  • Broken bones and fractures: The force of a collision can cause bones to fracture or break. After a car accident, bone breaks and fractures commonly occur in the arms, legs, ribs, and facial bones.
  • Soft tissue injuries: bruises, cuts, and strains to muscles, tendons, and ligaments are common in car accidents, particularly when sudden movements and stops occur.
  • Internal injuries: impact from a collision can cause internal injuries, such as damage to organs or internal bleeding, which may not be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening if left untreated.
  • Whiplash and neck injuries: Sudden stops or collisions can cause the head to jerk forward or backward, resulting in whiplash and other neck injuries.
  • Emotional and psychological trauma: being involved in a car accident, especially if it results in injuries or fatalities, can lead to emotional trauma, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Koenig Pierre, a New York car accident attorney fight for victims of distracted driving. You don’t have to worry about your case: let him handle everything for you. To schedule a free consultation, call our offices or fill out our contact form today. Proudly serving clients throughout New York.


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