Slip and Fall Lawyer NY

Regardless of where you have been injured in a slip and fall accident take the following exceptional steps in order to completely preserve you right to obtain the maximum compensation you deserve:

1. Report The Fall To Store Manager

Do this immediately so the store’s management or ownership can’t argue that the accident didn’t occur at their store location.

2. Get a copy any accident report the store generates

Request a copy of the report the store generates, if any exists, and makes sure the report accurately reflects the sequence of events. If the report does not accurately reflect what happened inform store management immediately with a written report of your account of what transpired.

3. File A Police Report

Ideally, you should call the police and file a report on the scene. It is more convincing when an impartial third party records the incident in a manner favorable to your case.

4. Take photos and videos of the scene or obstruction that caused your fall

Document the scene where your fell through photographic and / or video evidence. Importantly, document, specifically, the objection or obstruction on the ground which caused your fall. This step is important in establishing the stores negligence. So, take photographs of what caused your fall.

5. Save The Evidence

If possible, keep the item(s) that caused your fall. Additionally, shoes and clothing that you were wearing at the time of the incident must also be preserved. After the incident, head home and place the items in a safe location to be presented at a later date.

6. Get the name and contact information of any witness

Obviously, it is invaluable to have a witness to the incident who can confirm that the incident did, in fact, take place and that it happened in accordance with your recollection of the event.

7. Look At The Store’s Camera Footage

Ask to see the camera footage. If possible, get a copy. However, the store owner or manager will deny you any access to the camera footage. Nevertheless, provide the store with a written request for them to keep the camera a footage.

8. Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

Seeking medical treatment immediately is not only important to your recovery but it is an important means of documenting the incident and injuries on the record of a third party.

9. Create A Written Record Of The Incident

After the incident, create a written record of your own in which you memorialize everything that happened. Make sure the record is well-detailed. This will be instrumental at a later date when your account of what happened will be used to corroborate your injuries and damages. 

10. Contact a New York slip and fall lawyer immediately

Koenig Pierre is a  “Slip and Fall” lawyer in New York who will thoroughly evaluate and build your case and seek best financial recovery possible. He will pursue a recovery for your medical expenses, loss of income, loss of future earnings and pain and suffering.