Yes! An insurance company can drop you after a car accident; however, it is not common for them to drop you after a single accident.

Many states, like New York, have regulations against insurance companies canceling their insurance policies without warning.

Before 60 Days have elapsed

An insurance company may cancel a new auto policy, not a renewal policy, for any reason not contrary to New York Insurance Law within the first 60 days. This termination period for cancellations permits insurers the time and opportunity to verify any underwriting information on a brand-new risk, in order to confirm that it wants to insure you.

After 60 Days have elapsed

In New York, a mid-term cancellation (after 60 days) is not permitted unless you have failed to pay your premium, your license has been revoked, you have committed fraud, or  made material misrepresentations on your insurance application, such as lying about the location where the car is being garaged.

Non-renewal of the policy 

After a policy period, an insurance company may choose not to renew your coverage. Suppose your car insurance company chooses not to renew your policy. In that case, it must give you at least 45 to 60 days advance written notice before the expiration date of its intention not to renew your policy. The notice must specify the reason(s) for the nonrenewal of the policy.

Suppose your car insurance company ends its contract with your insurance broker. In that case, coverage will continue for the remaining part of the policy period, and the insurance company cannot automatically non-renew your policy.

Will my insurance company drop me after the accident?

An insurer may choose not to renew your policy after the policy period. However, insurance companies rarely decide to drop a client for a single accident, even if you were at fault. If you are at fault for the car accident, the insurer may choose to raise your rates.

However, suppose you file many insurance claims during your policy term, especially after a number of at-fault accidents. In that case, you may receive a cancellation notice from your provider.

Frequent auto accident claims put you in a high-risk category. Your insurance company will perceive you as having a high possibility of getting into an accident in the future and drop you as a customer.

Additionally, having multiple auto accident history could hurt your ability to find cheap car insurance from a new insurance company.